How to be productive by measuring your energy levels? (BPT method)

1 min readMar 25, 2022

Biological Prime Time

This is a technique taken from Sam Carpenter’s Book “Work the System”. It is based on the fact that our bodies have varying levels of energy throughout the day. You may feel energized during certain hours of the day, plan your day to fit your energy levels.

Courtesy of Faaria Mos

How it works

Start by discovering your energy levels during the day

Measure and document your energy levels for 3 weeks

To do this, for each hour of the day rate your energy level from 1–10

(1- Weak, 10- Super Energetic)

Avoid drinking anything that would alter your energy levels like coffee or energy drinks for 3 weeks.

Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl?

This question helps you understand if most of your energy for the day is focused on the morning or the night.

According to the ratings, you can determine where your most productive hours fall and place your most high-energy tasks towards those hours.




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