What is the Self-Affirmation Theory?

3 min readMar 20, 2022


The Self-Affirmation theory was proposed by Claude Steele, a social psychologist. He believed that when one’s sense of self is threatened either through criticism or conflicting views, one responds either defensively or in healthier ways.

Self-Affirmation theory says that by reassuring yourself in other aspects you feel protected against this external criticism or threat faced. People tend to protect their sense of self or self-integrity.

What are Affirmations?

Similar to the self-affirmation theory, self-affirmation or affirmations are positive statements you can tell yourself to condition your thinking. Affirmations work better if you have high self-esteem. This helps because you truly believe in the words you are saying.

Now this is something we have all heard of. Some people might be skeptical of the power of affirmations but as we have just discussed, self-affirmation theory has been researched and proven to resist stress and self-affirmations are based on a similar principle.

Through affirmations we are putting out good intentions and a positive outlook. It primes our minds into believing what we want.

How to use self-affirmations:

  • Say it out loud or write it down (probably some place that you see every day)
  • Use present tense
  • Only positive statements
  • Pick the ones that mean the most to you

A few affirmations just for you:

  1. I am loved
  2. I am enough
  3. I deserve to be happy
  4. I am capable of doing great things
  5. I love and accept all parts of me


Your life might be filled with stressors from work or classes or even your family. Throughout everyday troubles you might doubt yourself.

Take a small break, go for a walk if you don’t like walks maybe do something small and nice for yourself. Eat something that you like or buy something that you’ve been really wanting. Don’t go overboard and do something you’ll regret later. Just a small gift to yourself.

Treat yourself! You deserve it. I feel like most of us have spent years hating aspects of ourselves. Maybe we have slowly come to terms with who we are. We may not realize it, but we might be too hard on ourselves. Be compassionate to yourself, the way you are with others.

Morning Affirmations:

Morning affirmations are ones that are usually positive, invigorating, exciting, and inspiring. As soon as you wake up, put your phone aside, make your bed and get up and say these affirmations aloud:

  • I am excited for today
  • I believe in myself
  • I have control over my happiness
  • I have everything I need to be happy right now
  • Nothing is impossible for me
  • Today I choose to be confident

Affirmations you can use before going to bed:

These affirmations usually help you wind down and prepare for a good night’s sleep. They usually include themes of gratitude and a feeling of calmness. Some affirmations for the night:

  • I am grateful for the gifts I have received today
  • My mind and body are ready to rest
  • I am at peace with my actions
  • I am worthy of good sleep
  • I am proud of myself for today
  • I deserve love, I deserve peace, I deserve rest.

Pick the affirmations that resonate with you the most.




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